What is your soul’s purpose?

Why are we here?
There must be more to life than just working, raising a family and enjoying ourselves. In our heart of hearts, we all want to know the answer to this question.
To answer it, we must first look at who we really are – that is an aspect of God. We all have a small spark of Divinity within us and this spark wants to go back to its source.
So our purpose – WHY we are here – is to go back to God.
Master of Yoga, Dr. George King, said:
“…only one reason man is on Earth. There are not two. There’s one. That’s to evolve, and there’s one sure way to do it. There’s not two. There’s one. And it’s simply said. It’ll take you hundreds of lives to do, but it’s simply said.
“That is: controlling spiritual energy. And you can start by controlling the spiritual energy within yourself, and bombarding the atom, the Kundalini [the mystical source of consciousness], at the base of the spine, raise Kundalini, manipulate it properly, and leave Earth. That’s the only reason you’re here. Not two. One. And that’s it.”
So we are here to evolve spiritually, how can we do this?
Service to others is the best way. It not only helps us evolve, but it also helps uplift a world that desperately needs it.
I follow the path of King Yoga. This is the spiritual path of The Aetherius Society. King Yoga is broken up into 3 branches: Wisdom, Practices and Service.
For wisdom, I read and listen to the messages of the Cosmic Masters. This helps open my mind up to different thoughts and helps me understand my purpose better.
For practices, I perform spiritual practices regularly to help uplift my mind and stay open to inspiration. This makes it so that I can understand the teachings better as well as send out energy to others better.
For service, I pray. I attend as many prayer Services as I can and I try to help others do the same.
The Aetherius Society is not the one and only way that I can evolve spiritually, but it is the way that works best for me.
Something you can try
Try to touch on the 3 branches of King Yoga each day.
1) Read or listen to the wisdom of a true Master.
2) Perform a spiritual practice, such as pranayama or mantra.
3) Send out love to the world, you can use something like The Twelve Blessings to do this.
Which practices do you feel have helped you most on your spiritual path?