How to develop your chakras

Have you ever thought about developing your chakras or psychic centers?
Master of Yoga, Dr. George King, in a lecture called “The Psychic Centers – Their Significance and Development,” said:
“The psychic centers are really vortices of power within the etheric structure. These vortices of power, these huge, quickly moving vortexes…of power allow energy of a spiritual nature: we will refer to it as the universal life force—to flow through the aura; through the subtle nervous systems of mankind, and they allow man—as a conscious being, as a state of consciousness—to use this power for good or evil.”
He then goes on to say:
“They are very significant indeed because without them we could not live. We could not think, we could not have any consciousness at all in matter, as we know it. None of us could be here, or on this world, or even in manifestation.”
By developing our psychic centers, we can slowly begin to raise kundalini in a natural, unforced fashion.
This will also allow our natural psychic powers to manifest, afterall, we are all psychic.
And the more we develop our psychic centers, the more we will advance ourselves and the more we will be able to help others.
I’ve never thought of myself as psychic, but because I’ve been performing spiritual practices over the years, I have noticed that I am now much more intuitive. And I have also begun to trust my intuition a lot more.
For me, development has been subtle and gradual. I haven’t had any extraordinary experiences to speak of, but if I look back 10 years, I can see how far I have come.
Regardless of how it works for you, developing these psychic centers is always beneficial.
Something you can try
If you don’t have it already, Realize Your Inner Potential has over 40 different spiritual practices, all of which, when used regularly, can help develop psychic centers.
Is there a particular practice that you use to develop your psychic centers?