Break away from limitation

Do you ever feel that politics and the media are trying to make you think in a certain way? They seem to be saying that materialism is more important than anything, including spirituality.
This conditioning really limits us. The more we believe it, the more we are conditioned. It is a vicious cycle.
The Master Aetherius said:
“Now, most of the men and women upon Terra we find are so conditioned by the press, politics and so on, that they are grossly limited. Indeed is this a vicious circle, dear friends. Terrestrial conditioning is directed towards limitation and, when limitation is accepted, then further conditioning can – and indeed does – cause further limitation. Such is the circle of viciousness.”
He also tells us that we can break away from this conditioning:
“If you make a blue-print of moral behavior for yourself, based upon the advice given by any Master you choose to follow, and then if you start to build this blue-print, or act upon the essential factors illustrated in your blue-print or code of moral behavior, you will find that you have to make a certain effort rather like the effort in fabricating your vehicle so it would be capable of reaching a certain velocity in a certain time.
“But you must make the effort yourselves, in order to break away from conditioning.
“Surely any effort on your part in this direction can only bring the highest of all rewards, namely – true freedom. Of course it can. I have myself watched many people on Terra making such an effort. And they have succeeded. They have broken away. They have been able to divorce themselves from the conditioning which would normally send them into a prison. They have been able to break the bonds of this conditioning, and know only then what freedom is.”
This is great advice, but it is not easy. It takes regular effort.
If it was easy, everyone would do it. It is the effort that we expend that makes us grow.
The Master Aetherius gave us these encouraging words:
“Make this moral blue-print, dear friends. Follow it day by day. If you fail, then do not dwell upon that failure. Do not say, ‘I am weak, I have fallen once, therefore I must fall again.’ Say, ‘I am weak, probably. I have made a certain mistake, probably. But I will try to avoid it in future.’
Be positive in that way. Then you will find, slowly, gradually, but surely you will become detached from the self-same conditioning which brings about the imprisonment of others around you.”
I have a lot that I can improve on.
One of my weaknesses that I try to work on is that I can sometimes be lazy.
I don’t want to be lazy because when I am, I find it boring. But I feel I have to constantly push myself to work as hard as I want to.
The Master I have chosen to follow is Dr. George King and he was the antithesis of laziness. I find his never-ending energy and focus of mind extremely inspiring.
Behind my desk is a picture of him. I try to use this as motivation – that he is watching what I do, and I don’t want to let him down.
I find that it helps me fight laziness. Because I think about this regularly, I have sort of trained myself to think about what he would do more often.
Something you can try
Let’s try what the Master Aetherius said. Let’s pick a trait that we see in a Master and try to live it for the next two weeks.
Try to notice when you have to change your usual thought process. See if it gets easier with time.
What trait will you pick?Let me know how this works for you!